The term, ‘hyperpigmentation’, explains the presence of an increased amount of melanin in the skin by two main mechanisms. Certain hyperpigmentation conditions are caused due to increased melanin production with a normal number of melanocytes in the skin (melanotic hyperpigmentation). But there are certain conditions in which the number of melanocytes is increased (melanocytotic hyperpigmentation), leading to an increased melanin production. Usually, the basal layer…
So much has been written about acne over the years, but the trauma and angst, particularly with boys growing into manhood with raging hormones is still very much a part of teenage acne today. Skin care professionals recognize that it is their duty to help clients with all sorts of skin conditions and acne is just one of those few. {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"} GENETICS The main…
The hormonal disorder polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) effects one out of 10 woman globally. However, there is still minimal information about how to effectively treat this skin conditions on women of color. CASE STUDY A recent case study showed a client observed and treated for common characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome on her skin. Issues with hormonal acne, post-inflammatory pigmentation (PIH), hirsutism and folliculitis, and…
Getting a pimple and not popping it right away has got to be one of the biggest tests of self-discipline for a client. Two major reasons why clients should not pop their own pimples is that it creates post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation –a forever pimple and secondly because it can create even more pimples. POST-INFLAMMATORY PIGMENTATION Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a pigmentation type that forms discoloration on the…

LED - Does FDA Clearance Matter?

Written by Pam Cushing
As a skin care professional, does a device’s FDA credentials really make a difference? Isn’t the FDA something doctors deal with? For treating the superficial layers of the skin, do devices with FDA credentials work any better than those that don’t? Don’t FDA credentials just make devices more expensive? All great questions for today’s skin care professional. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Face Reality Skincare
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.