Sunscreens have been commercially available for over 50 years. Sunscreen safety, efficacy, and elegance have improved continuously since the early days of beachgoers wearing white zinc oxide nose paste. In the United States, however, sunscreen innovation has been held back since the 1990s because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not taken action on several pending sunscreen ingredient applications.

Wax On, Wax Off…

Written by Annette Hanson, president of Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics
Removing hair from the body is certainly not a new trend. In fact, today’s modern-day woman can thank the ancient Egyptians for making a hairless body the gold standard of beauty. It is safe to say at some point in her life, a woman has tried everything to achieve this look: from over-the-counter depilatory creams, sugaring, and the trusty razor to salons promising fast and…

10 Things About...Sunscreen Ingredients

Written by Michael Q. Pugliese, L.E.
Applying sunscreen daily should be recommended to clients by all skin care professionals. As a professional, it is important to know which ingredients are commonly in sunscreens and what the regulations are so clients can be better assisted. Skin care professionals should stay up-to-date on sunscreen regulation changes and relay them to clients.

Online Reviews Grow Business

Written by Rick Kawamura, vice president of marketing at LocBox
When people are searching for or come across a new business, they turn to reviews to see what other people have to say about their experience. It is through reviews that they read about a particular staff member, a treatment, or even the overall experience that gets them excited about booking an appointment. In fact, a 2013 study from Bright Local shows that 60 to…

Skin Care Blogs

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