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Every day, science gives us new tips to help navigate our personal health journeys. With such a plethora of information available at the click of the mouse, that gold mine of knowledge can quickly feel like a maze of confusing advice. University of Cincinnati Health’s Mahmoud Charif, M.D. and Neetu Radhakrishnan, M.D., say when it comes to breast cancer there are several key messages that…
Popular skin care penetration technology gets N.I.H. Grant and teams up with Harvard Medical School, the University of California – Irvine, Baylor College, and Conrex Pharmaceutical Corp. Permeation Enhancement Technology or P.E.T.™, the proprietary penetration enhancement additive used in SESHA Skin Therapy skin care products and developed by Dr. Dean Hsieh from Conrex Pharmaceutical Corporation, was recently used in an important study of the treatment…
Alchimie Forever Announces its Eco-Week Sustainability Outreach Programs Alchimie Forever is committed to making the world a more beautiful place, not only through physical beauty, but also through beauty of our surroundings. In that vein, the company is promoting various programs to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle its carbon footprint and packaging. Ada Polla, president and CEO of Alchimie Forever explains, “Nature has always been a…
American Academy of Dermatology Issues Updated Position Statement on Vitamin D The American Academy of Dermatology (Academy) has updated its position statement on vitamin D based on the results of a review of the increasing body of scientific literature on this vitamin and its importance for optimal health recently conducted by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM). The Academy continues to recommend…
Can Eggs Help Your Psoriasis? L’Avenir Skin Care introduces a new product line for psoriasis formulated using eggs as a natural source for vitamins, minerals, and proteins. The company calls this scientific breakthrough Ovasome Technology. Psoriasis is a very common skin condition which does not have a cure. The goal for anyone suffering with this disease is to lessen outbreak severity and frequency. Psoriasis is…

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