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We have revered cleanliness as the highest form of self-respect since ancient times. Keeping your treatment room and trolley clean are among the best and easiest ways to show respect for clients and yourself. Familiarizing the basics is necessary for a an effortlessly functioning treatment room. In addition, utilizing a sanitary maintenance area will reduce trolley cleaning time. Organization will aid in the reduction of…
It is not just great DNA that is responsible for great skin. It takes work, care, and commitment to maintain a healthy and vibrant skin tone and texture. Stress, hormonal influences, poor diet, a lack of water and sleep, unprotected sun exposure, and pollution all play a negative role in how the skin functions and how it looks and feels. The daily routine adopted and…
A large and active social media audience is important to almost every business. As a brick and mortar company, focusing your social media efforts on a local level is vital. No matter where a social media follower is located, an account is typically happy to have gained a new audience member. In terms of revenue generation, a distant follower of a local business is unlikely…
Laser-based treatments can be some of the most transformative treatments for a client, but also some of the riskiest, as improper application can result in blistering, delayed healing, infection, and even scarring. If your scope of practice includes light-energy devices, you need to know how light energy is absorbed by the skin. Skin of color requires additional consideration when performing laser treatments. UNDERSTANDING WAVELENGTH Lasers…
Working with aesthetic medical practices and medical spas across the country, one of the truest common denominators for areas of improvement is that of human resources. After all, your team can make or break the success of your business. At the helm of that team is the leader and if you’re reading this article, that leader is most likely you. Whether the title is manager,…

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I mean online places, of course! Can you share some? If it is a good one, one will be enough.

Marks Google maps are enough to find offline casinos, so it was kind of obvious you needed online casinos, there was no need to specify. And I can... Show more
17 hours 16 minutes ago

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