Embracing Alternative Services

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For over 30 years, I have watched our industry explode into a force in which we would never have imagined, with technology, ingredients, and equipment that truly change the face of the business. Although health and wellness have always been a component of our industry, now, more than ever, they are taking center stage.


The topic of alternative medicine is a tricky one, clearly not our scope of practice, yet an integral part of the condition of the skin. Let’s be clear – our scope of practice does not include any type of medical practice, nor does it include prescribing supplements or dietary alternatives. What we can do is share our knowledge and understanding of any of these topics and what we know can be beneficial to clients. The inner-outer beauty connection is a given – you reflect on the outside the health of the inside.


That being said, the world of alternative treatments and medicine lies right at your fingertips. Alternative practices focus on the whole individual. They take into account emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. In this day and age, we clearly see the link between emotional health, physical health, youthfulness, and beauty. Alternative therapies strengthen these connections and provide us with the ability to educate clients on the vast amount of opportunities that they have to positively enhance their lives in natural, simple, non-invasive means.


The future of our profession will be in our ability to guide clients through the options that are available to enhance the skin care treatments that we perform. These options include taking a clear look at the whole person: their lifestyle, habits, and beauty objectives. We cannot avoid the fact that this will include the world of alternative treatments.


Do your homework. Increase your own knowledge and experience to live the life that you promote to clients.

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