The Power to Age Healthily

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As the topic for this month’s welcome letter came in, I just so happened to be reading a book on why we age and why we do not have to. Quite the interesting read, but it plays right into the topic of healthy aging.


Most of us look at aging as an inevitable process, as something that is bound to happen regardless of our actions, lifestyle, and choices. But what if it was not inevitable? What if we really could stop the hands of time or even turn them back?


I know it sounds a bit farfetched, but how wonderful would it be if it were reality? For the time being, let’s assume that we have such power and that it lies in the control of our choices to live a healthy lifestyle – one that will attribute itself to healthy aging.


What might this look like? I think it would be different for every one of us, yet I also think that a few constants would remain, such as inner peace, acceptance of self, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, daily exercise, laughter, love, contentment, and goals.


As skin care professionals, our influence on healthy aging is enormous. We have the ability to provide inner peace and acceptance, if only for an hour or so. We can share our knowledge of the impact that nutrition, sleep, and exercise have on the skin and we can offer the opportunity to laugh, love life, show contentment in our practice, and help create healthy beauty goals.


Yes, we have big shoes to fill, but it is for these reasons that our profession continues to soar amongst the fastest growing professions in the country. Be proud to know your dominant role in the future of healthy beauty.

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