So often, I make note of the rapid advancement in technology and ingredients in the skin care profession, but you cannot avoid it, and you cannot ignore it. Today, technology and devices to enhance aesthetic treatments abound. Every time you turn around there is a new gadget running rampant on the market. There are many different views on the use of technology and gadgets in skin care, us old timers will say that nothing beats the power of touch, and as true of a statement that that may be, there are an awful lot of close contenders. The fact of the matter is that there exists a rapidly growing list of items that have a profound impact upon the health, beauty, and condition of the skin. From the early original use of galvanic current and high frequency (which in the United States dates back to the early 1920s) to microdermabrasion, LED, microcurrent, and the many controversial technologies lingering on the edge of scope of practice, there is clearly a long withstanding line of equipment that fuels the evolutionary skin care fire. Turn the page and look at the advancement in ingredients and it will further blow your mind. From the emergence of age altering acids and antioxidants in the 1980s and 1990s to today’s focus on alpha hydroxy acid alternatives, CBD oil, and stem cells, we are literally turning back the hands of time. When you stand back and look at what skin care professionals have available at their fingertips, it is not a surprise that skin care professionals have become the go-to professional source for clients seeking exceptionally healthy skin achieved with the latest and greatest technology and ingredients – not to mention the ability to look years young Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.