I wonder how many of you looked at this month’s topic and thought “Oh, here we go – another article on antiaging?” I know, I sort of thought the same thing when I was assigned the topic. We are inundated with articles, blogs, videos, products, ingredients, and equipment all geared toward antiaging – it is everywhere, so I decided to take a different approach. We have become conditioned to believe that aging is a natural process, one in which it is going to happen no matter what and one in which we have little control. Sure, we have control over lifestyle habits, eating, drinking, smoking, ultraviolet exposure, and various the influencing factors. But, what if this was not the case, what if we did not have to look old and act old? Just what if we had more control than we thought? Crazy? Maybe, but not entirely unrealistic. What are the things that keep a body youthful? Cell strength, health, resistance, and energy. After all, these are the very claims that our products and ingredients are making. Why then, do we not focus on the fundamental factors that keep the body healthy? Do you know? Neither do I. But after almost 10 weeks of COVID-19 shut down, I have a few ideas. Human health, strength and beauty comes from within. Not just within the body, but within our hearts, souls, and minds. It comes from laughter, positive thinking, self-grounding, and acceptance. It comes from the courage to look fear, loss, and uncertainty in the face and to stare it down like a mortal enemy. It comes from nurturing your character, emotional wellbeing, and inner spirit. Your heart, soul, and mind. Laughter, positivity, self-grounding, and acceptance. Courage and nurturing are the ingredients for antiaging. They are not found in a bottle – they are found inside of you. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.