Better Late Than Never

July is the ideal month to discuss an essential topic when it comes to not only age-related skin concerns but to overall healthy and youthful skin as well: the topic of pigmentation. Skin discoloration disorders rank at the top of the skin care concern list for more than half of the population. 

Hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation all stem from the activity of the melanocytes. These cells work to protect healthy skin cells by producing pigment in situations that threaten the function and wellbeing of any healthy cell. These triggers include inflammation, stress, ultraviolet exposure, skin damage, improper product use, poor pollution, medications, illness, a stressful environment, and, most frequently, an imbalance to the hydration level and microbiome of skin. 

As grand as the scope of influencing factors can be, the scope of ways to protect from them is in our favor and lies heavily on two critical ingredient categories: ultraviolet protectors and antioxidants. Ultraviolet protecting ingredients have been perfected to allow for maximum protection while at the same time minimizing the old white, opaque shadow on the face. So many now include tints and color correctors to perfectly balance ultraviolet protection and even skin tone. More importantly, is the amazing field of antioxidant ingredients that immediately serve to minimize the natural inflammatory response of skin due to internal and external factors. Vitamin C, vitamin E, and a plethora of phytonutrients now act as powerhouses to protect skin and minimize pigmentary skin reactions. 

I am a firm believer that protecting skin and maintaining youthfulness and health is a much easier task than trying to undo what has taken years to be done. Start early, start now, and practice what you preach every day.  

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