Wednesday, 27 May 2020 14:11

Emily Davis

Written by   Color Up Therapeutics

The resident aesthetician and president of education for Color Up  shares her love for teaching, wellness, and why CBD is now a staple in her aesthetic toolbox.

Emily Davis joined Color Up in 2018 after using the products from their inception in her skin care practice, Stratum Aesthetics. A licensed aesthetician in Colorado for 15 years, Davis first worked in the spa side of aesthetics before moving into teaching.

It was during her time as an educator that Davis met Color Up co-founder and COO Shauna Blanch, who taught her about the benefits of incorporating CBD into skin care. Davis and Blanch were working at Denver’s School of Botanical & Medical Aesthetics. This was also when Davis started using Color Up’s animal products on her aging Great Dane, which “made her act like a puppy again,” says Davis.


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