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With recent celebrity endorsements, it may seem as though hyaluronic acid (HA) is making a new splash in the skincare market. However, in the professional skincare arena, HA has been a tried, true, and favored ingredient for decades. Hyaluronic Acid was originally discovered, isolated, and investigated in the 1930s by German biochemist Karl Meyer and colleague John Palmer. They were working in the department of…
Our skin is responsible for our daily habits of living and environmental surroundings. It shares a cognitive relationship with what we intake, whether it's food, air, or water. Overexposure to sun radiations, usage of chemical-driven products, frequent burnouts, etc., are the factors that reduce skin elasticity. Skincare is the fuel for every woman that keeps nourishing their skin on a regular basis. Revamping your skincare…
With summer right around the corner, most days will be spent basking under the sun. And with sunny days, comes sweating…a lot. Keeping your makeup fresh and in place is a recurring issue during the hot, humid days to come. We sweat, our pores get clogged, and makeup breaks apart, leaving us feeling like a sticky mess! However, investing in a few clean makeup products…

5 Summer Skin Tips

Written by GINAMARIE Products
It’s about that time again when you trade in boots for flip-flops, take weekly trips to the beach, and cry a little when the AC breaks down. Summer is upon us in all its glory. During these hot months, you might find yourself having to work a little harder to prevent breakouts and minimize sun damage. Your pores become trapped from sweat and sunscreen. Your…
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NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 1: Understanding the Essentials

NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 1: Understanding the Essentials In the realm of nursing education, assessments NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 play a crucial...

robinella posted a new discussion2 days ago

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 5: Understanding the Importance...

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 5: Understanding the Importance of Nursing Assessment Assessment 5 in NURS FPX 6025 represents NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 5 a...

Milla posted a new discussion4 days ago

Software development

To implement my project of creating a mobile application, I decided to contact the professionals from Devox Software here . Their mobile app...

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