Tuesday, 28 August 2018 21:55


Written by   Brenda Linday, LE, LEI, CAC, owner of Linday Aesthetic Consulting

Over 3 million cases of folliculitis are reported each year in the United States.

Folliculitis presents as infected hair follicles.

Bacterial folliculitis occurs due to a presence of bacteria (usually staph) and inflamed cells within the ostia (opening) and the wall of a hair follicle that produces a follicular pustule.

Hot tubs, or heated pools that are not pH-balanced, are the culprits for pseudomonas or hot tub folliculitis.

Pityrosporum folliculitis occurs due to a yeast infection with pustules located on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, and upper arms.

Over the counter products with benzoyl-peroxide can treat folliculitis.

Eating foods that boost the immune system and improve skin health can help prevent folliculitis.

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