Toxicity is the primary reason skin looks unhealthy and is the largest cause of aging. While it is true that extensive sun exposure damages and ages the skin, it is a toxic body that fails to repair this damage. The challenge in appreciating the importance of this is that 99.9 percent of individuals are toxic. It is hard to know just what an impact good health can have in repairing the skin when everyone’s system is struggling. It is estimated that the average body processes over 1 million toxins every day. Organs, including the skin, do their best to instantly remove what they can but, more often, these toxins are stored throughout the body. Every toxin contains its own energetic radiation that weakens the organs and reduces their capacity and repair-ability. When it comes to aging, it is important to remember that skin is a miraculous organ that has the ability to recover and repair most of what is damaged if it is operating at its full potential. Heavy metals, estrogenic toxins, and toxins from parasites and candida drag immune systems down. The immune system is the repair system of the skin so, when it is down, it has a much harder time recovering from something like sun damage. Rather than making a complete recovery, a toxin-burdened skin repair system will fall short. However, the good news is, the skin is capable of regeneration even decades later once health is restored. Everything in the body is connected intricately, which means hormone toxins – like parabens, chlorine, plastics, pesticides, and food preservatives – will cause imbalances like oily skin, acne, facial and body hair, scalp hair loss, and menstrual issues (including infertility). Candida overgrowth in the gut leads to candida toxicity, with different strains causing different outcomes. This can result in rosacea, acne, perioral dermatitis, aging, constipation, bloating, and weight gain. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum cause brain fog, hair loss, perigenital acne, dark circles, and aging skin. The skin shows individuals, in various ways, how toxic they are: face acne is a purging of toxins, the location on the face reflects the type of toxin; chest and back acne are caused by chlorine toxins; dark circles under the eyes, especially persistent ones, can be related to metal toxicity effecting the kidneys; melasma and liver spots come from liver damage related to medication toxicity; and rosacea is caused by toxicity of the digestive tract, in most cases. Holistic skin mapping is an excellent way to identify the exact source of the skin concern, allowing individuals to treat the problem inside and out. There are many ways to detoxify the body – and most of them help – but, once the specific causes of conditions have been identified, the most efficient and effective approach is the one that is the most targeted. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.