Dealing with Teenage Acne by Jaskiran Brar The teenage years are wondrous days filled with new discoveries, fun, and friends. For a number of kids, these years are also filled with acne. In addition to causing painful whiteheads, blackheads, and red lumps, acne can leave scars and affect self-esteem during those critical adolescent years. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, between 85 – 95 percent of American teenagers develop acne, and many of them will continue to battle the condition into their 20s and 30s. A number of factors such as diet, personal hygiene, genetics, and hormones seem to play into the incidence of teenage acne. During puberty, hormone levels surge, often causing a hardening of the oil in the pores of the skin, preventing sebum from naturally making its way to the surface. While almost all teenagers experience a few zits, the severity of the problem depends on hereditary factors. Over time, untreated acne can even leave permanent scarring, not to mention the emotional distress the teenager has to endure. Along with good nutrition and healthy lifestyle, regular skin treatments during adolescence can make a world of difference in a teenager's complexion. Parents need to address the condition early, and make sure their teens follow proper skin care routines at home. A diligently followed routine, along with regular acne facials, for many of these teenagers can mean the difference between smooth glowing skin and permanent scarring. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.