Managing Psoriasis When asked how important it would be to keep psoriasis under control, 86.6 percent of respondents said very important.i Hypothetically, 38.6 percent of respondents said they would pay $10,000 or more to get rid of their psoriasis forever.ii Of the 620 people that answered the question, 58.9 percent of respondents said that successful treatment of their psoriasis has had a positive impact on their relationships.iii Surprisingly, over 1,000 people did not put themselves in a category of being successfully treated. Of those, 60 percent said they are more confident when they meet new people, 56.6 percent are less concerned with what other people think of them, 45.9 percent participate in more activities, and 27.1 percent are more sexually active.iv iSurvey Monkey. “The Impact of Psoriasis on Personal Relationship”. Question 36. iiSurvey Monkey. “The Impact of Psoriasis on Personal Relationship”. Question 38. iiiSurvey Monkey.“The Impact of Psoriasis on Personal Relationship”. Question 39. ivSurvey Monkey. “The Impact of Psoriasis on Personal Relationship”. Question 40. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.