Peter Drucker, known as the man who invented modern business management once said that if something cannot be measured, it cannot be improved. Thinking about this for a moment, it makes sense. As the business metrics section of the book, “Beautifully Profitable, Forever Profitable” reveals, the profitability of a spa depends on satisfied clients; therefore, measuring their satisfaction on a regular basis is vital. The more your spa’s attention is focused on results that are important to clients, the better your spa will likely perform on outcomes important to the medical spa business, such as profitability. By tracking what’s important to clients, spas have better insight into what steps they can take to positively impact their client outcomes, thereby directly impacting business performance. When staff performance is only measured on and compensated for key business metrics such as sales rather than what clients actually care about, staff will naturally do whatever is necessary to achieve the outcome that influences the key business metric. Staff is focused on achieving the business metric rather than helping clients achieve their desired outcome. By measuring the right elements, staff and client interests are aligned, improving both client outcomes and the bottom line. Want to read more? Subscribe to continue reading this article, plus gain access to all DERMASCOPE has to offer. SUBSCRIBE Internationally recognized aesthetic business development expert Cheryl Whitman is the founder and CEO of Beautiful Forever Consulting. She is a sought-after speaker and industry marketing specialist. With her seasoned team of professionals at Beautiful Forever, Whitman assists physicians and medical spas in creating new profit centers, developing profitable private label product lines, ghost writing articles and eBooks, and identifying and executing new business strategies aimed at improving their bottom line. A celebrated author, Whitman’s “Aesthetic Medical Success System,” a turnkey educational system, has assisted clients in opening or jumpstarting their current businesses. Her second book, “Beautifully Profitable, Forever Profitable,” provides solid, practical information on how to create, launch, and grow successful aesthetic medical practices and related businesses. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.