The endogenous cannabinoid system is one of the most important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Endocannabinoids and cannabinoids are connected to other body systems, which allows communication and coordination between different cell types. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system has various functions…
From moles to melasma, there are various forms of hyperpigmentation for which clients seek treatment. Some are treated best under the care of an aesthetician; others require a dermatologist. And, sometimes, the two working together can lead to the greatest healing. Knowing the difference in these cases is vital. Requests for treatment of brown spots and irregular hyperpigmentation occur daily in skin care practices. To…

Botanical Solutions for Antipollution Skin Care

Written by Jimm Harrison, essential oil and botanical skin care consultant
The environment has a tremendous effect on the body. There is an army of floating compounds, along with electromagnetic frequencies, and ultraviolet radiation, that cause damage and premature aging to the skin. Environmental pollutants are a health and skin hazard and a primary cause of free radical or reactive oxygen species damage (ROS). ROS causes accelerated aging, cellular disruption, and physiological imbalance. Staring at a…
When the National Rosacea Society published the first diagnostic guidelines for rosacea in 2002, it ushered in an unprecedented era of research into this widespread, chronic facial skin disorder now estimated to affect more than 16 million Americans. This has led not only to major advances in the understanding of the disease, but important insights into how to recognize and treat it. “Even though signs…
Millions of men and women have skin sensitivities that prevent them from wearing jewelry made from certain materials. While the type of metal the jewelry is made from is what typically results in unpleasant reactions for people with allergies, choosing pieces made with certain gemstones could actually help the skin, in some cases. Gems and crystals have been prized for millennia – not only for…

April 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Skin Script
  • Epionce
  • DMK Skin Revision Center