Funny to think that the minute we are born, we begin to age. And I for one am quite grateful that I am blessed with ongoing aging because the alternative simply does not take part in my next 40 years of dreams and goals. My body has gone through many changes as I mature in age, and sometimes I find routines that I have been…
A skin professional’s chances of treating a client for aging issues are very high. It is a word that creates agitation and additionally provides a lucrative stream of return business a spa. Aging is a large umbrella term and from a marketing standpoint, it is up to the skin care professional to make sure they are covering all the bases with comprehensive treatment strategies. Typically,…
Increased androgens, sebum production, lifestyle, genes, and hygiene practices can all contribute to teenage acne. Yet another possibility could be due to excessive or poor makeup usage. This type of acne is known as acne cosmetica. {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"} ACNE COSMEDICA In the world of aesthetics, treating a teenage client with acne can sometimes be a challenging mystery to solve. Over 85% of teenagers will develop…
Helping a teenager with acne achieve clear skin is one of the most rewarding times of being a skin care professional. The journey, however, is not without its hurdles and obstacles. {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"} CAUSES OF ACNE & ACNE-PRONE SKIN Acne is not commonly caused by dirt, eating pizza, chocolate, or dirty phones. While there can be nutritional and other external factors that might make acne…
AN INTRO TO ACNE Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit — blockage or inflammation of this unit will result in acne. Oil glands are found in the highest density on the face, back, and chest and these are the most common sites of acne development. Sebum is a food source for bacteria called propionibacterium acnes (p. acnes) that reside in the skin. As…

October 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • QuantifiCare
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.