Over and over we read it: men are still the untouched client wealth for day spa operators. According to various news reports and industry surveys, men represent anywhere from five to 30 percent of the day spa market. While these statistics are often unclear about the exact types of services and products to which men are primarily attracted, it is clear that there is business…

Homme Improvement

Written by Enrique Ramirez, L.E., L.M.T.
Move over baby boomers! There is a new BOOM in town and it has nothing to do with combat boots or camouflage visages, and it is more virile than John Wayne desert galloping in the Old West! I am talking about today’s modern man who has made a handsome boom in the last 10 years. When savvy marketing companies unveiled the word metrosexual,  our grade…

Surfactants and Emulsifiers

Written by Irena James
Most chemists openly express their concern over how little time is spent studying surfactants in college given their considerable importance in so many industries, especially the skin care industry. According to Perry Romanowski, coauthor of the acclaimed textbook, Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry, “surfactants are the workhorses of the cosmetic industry and all cosmetic chemists would benefit learning the basic principles of surfactant chemistry.” 1 Most often,…
One must develop a thorough understanding of melasma to achieve successful treatment outcomes. It is one of the most frustrating conditions for skin care professionals to treat and even more confusing and discouraging to the client.
One class of ingredients that continues to offer exciting new options to the world of skin care is peptides. Peptides have been perennial favorites due to their gentle, non-irritating qualities and long-term anti-aging benefits. Because new peptides that promise remarkable benefits are constantly being discovered, it is important for skin care professionals to understand the basic science behind peptides.Peptides are more than just skin care…

October 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • QuantifiCare
  • Face Reality Skincare