As skin care professionals know, the skin is the largest organ in the human body. Its primary role is to serve as a physical barrier, protecting bodies from potential assault by foreign organisms or toxic substances. But what is less known is that the skin is also a bustling ecosystem comprised of 1.8 million diverse habitats that exist within the human body. The saliva in the mouth, gut, intestinal tracks, and skin are prominent examples of these habitats. Each microsystem supports a wide range of microorganisms, more broadly known as the microbiota. Want to read more? Subscribe to continue reading this article, plus gain access to all DERMASCOPE has to offer. SUBSCRIBE A licensed clinical aesthetician since 2001, Colette Brown is the director of education at Columbia Skincare where she leads the professional products division. Brown possesses a deep passion and understanding of the healing benefits of topical probiotics and how they contribute to the overall health and wellness of the skin’s microbiome. Based in Beverly Hills, California, Colette has a bachelor of art in education, is a certified holistic practitioner through the Kresser Institute, a licensed phlebotomist, and has certifications in advanced skin care procedures. Want to read more? Subscribe to one of our monthly plans to continue reading this article.