Acne treatment is one of the leading reasons clients seek out professional help. While skin care professionals do not diagnose or treat acne, they must be aware of this skin condition and know how to properly provide a facial. Performing consistent, effective facial treatments will not only benefit the client’s overall appearance, but will also help bolster their self-esteem. Both results are, perhaps, the most…

Looking to Nature for Acne Answers

Written by Rachael Pontillo, LE, M.Msc, CIHC, CNAP
Acne is a skin condition with many causes, types, and presentations, affecting both sexes of all ages and ethnicities. Its effects are lasting – both physically and emotionally – and there is a great deal that skin care professionals can do to help acne clients get relief and reduce the long-term impact that breakouts have on the skin.
Treating acne requires a proper homecare regimen, an understanding of client allergies and intolerances, and regular visits to a skin care professional. A knowledgeable aesthetician will use a variety of professional products and modalities to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, decongest, and disinfect the skin, as well as soothe and heal any inflammation associated with acne.

The Ins and Outs of Adult Acne

Written by Courtney La Marine, L.E., owner of Clove Studios
Acne is one of those pesky problems people like to leave in their teenage years. Adult acne is prevalent now more than ever. Some people experience acne throughout their life; products or treatments may temporarily alleviate it, but it is always there, rearing its ugly head. Others experience adult on-set acne. While there are many factors that can contribute to breakouts, whether in adolescence or…

At Home Hindrances to Successful Acne Therapy

Written by Jaclyn Strausser, L.M.E., senior account executive at SkinCeuticals
Professional treatments are essential to addressing skin concerns and acne is no different. Most clients believe that going to the spa and doing a handful of treatments will clear their skin. While in-office treatments do improve the skin at an accelerated rate, it is not a one-shot answer to maintaining breakout-free skin. Treatments are typically done six to 12 times a year and it is…

October 2024

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Face Reality Skincare
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.