Tuesday, 26 September 2017 11:00

An introduction to... Menopausal Skin

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The average age that a woman begins menopause is 51. However, it can occur as early as a woman’s 30s or as late as her 60s.

The only loose benchmark to determine when menopause will start for a woman is by noting the age her mother’s menstrual cycle ended.

During the second phase, women’s testosterone becomes more prominent, causing sebaceous glands to secrete thicker sebum, causing oily skin (and adult acne in some women). It also causes the development of facial hair in some women, particularly on the chin.

As estrogen levels drop, fat is redistributed throughout the body and underneath the skin, resulting in a loss of the supportive fat that holds the body’s shape and maintains the skin’s firmness. Thus, the skin and various body parts begin to sag.

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  • Comment Link Rose Talbott Saturday, 17 February 2018 10:38 posted by Rose Talbott

    Very convenient and informative, An encyclopedia for quick reference on any skin concerns that needs an immediate spa resolution.

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