Classrooms Understanding Clients Understanding Clients Scroll down for on-demand video Clients are at the core of what skin care professionals do in the beauty industry, but how well is the client viewpoint understood? This webinar will focus on understanding the core of what motivates clients, what their struggles are, how to best serve them, and most importantly, how to get more. This webinar is recommended for anyone that…
Classrooms Savvy Suction: Ventouses for Facial Lymphatic Drainage Savvy Suction: Ventouses for Facial Lymphatic Drainage Scroll down for on-demand video The ventouse is probably one of the most underutilized tools in the facial tower. Get a glimpse of how to create a new facial experience for clients by incorporating this device into a facial treatment to relieve puffiness, detox skin, and stimulate circulation. MEET THE PRESENTER- MANDY ISAACS, L.E. Mandy Isaacs has been…
Classrooms Understanding & Treating Aging Skin Understanding & Treating Aging Skin Scroll down for on-demand video (must be logged in and registered for 2021 Summit to view) Without a doubt, aging skin is what brings clients through the doors. What makes a skin care professional stand apart in the aesthetics industry? Most certainly, it should be more than an amazing facial. What role does the expert play in the understanding and…
Classrooms Fundamentals of Aesthetics Fundamentals of Aesthetics Scroll down for on-demand video (must be logged in and registered for 2021 Summit to view) Having a clear understanding of the fundamentals of aesthetics is the foundation of everything skin care professionals do in the spa, as well as what they prescribe to clients. Mastering what is done in the treatment room and why are two key components to the success…
Classrooms What Does Barrier Disruption Actually Look Like? What Does Barrier Disruption Actually Look Like? Scroll down for on-demand video (must be logged in and registered for 2021 Summit to view) Barrier issues are at the core of many skin disorders. Learn to spot the signs outside of the traditional symptoms to get a head start on managing clients’ skin care needs with amazing results. MEET THE PRESENTER- ELIZABETH BRASHER, L.E. Elizabeth Brasher…