Most individuals have heard how essential oils can be used to reduce stress. Most skin care professionals are likely familiar with oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus to promote calming and relaxation benefits that soothe and ease tension. Many are already familiar with these aromatic scents andyou may have already used some of them.Perhaps these oils have been used in bathing products like bath salts,…
The industry is experiencing some unique times, unlike any thathave been encountered. Professionals have all had to deal with minor to major changes in business and in their personal lives. They have faced the challenge of finding ways to encourage clients to come back and let them know that the spa and services are safe and healthy. And once clients come in, how can skin…
Essential Oils for Maintaining Mind Balance by Trish Green B.Ed. D. Hom (Pract) BFRP, C.A.H.P, Cidesco Exthetician Mental health is one of the most talked about concerns in both Western Medicine, alternative medicine and in many aspects of the Spa Wellness industry. The question is, are you embracing this rapidly growing trend and meeting the needs of your customers? Clients are in more in need…
Heaven Scent: Incorporating Essential Oils into the Spa Experience by Trish Green B.Ed. D. Hom (Pract) BFRP, C.A.H.P, Cidesco Exthetician Trish Green, president of Eve Taylor North America, has been an educator for 40 years. She is an international speaker, educating aestheticians across the United States and Canada. As a CIDESCO aesthetician and a homeopath, she specializes in the wellness approach in her aesthetic practice,…
The topics for these monthly articles were set last year, before COVID-19. After having lived in, or through a pandemic the world is in a bit of chaos, uncertainty, and for some, tragedy. For months now there has been talks about the importance of self-care for healthy people. However, amidst chaos and tragedy, does something need to be done differently? Self-care is needed even more…

October 2024

Wellness Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Circadia by Dr. Pugliese
  • Skin Script
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.