First, let’s analyze and address why the current sales approach is not successful for clients. It usually ends up being any number of the following challenges: Lack of confidence ina skin care professional’sselling ability Fear of feeling pushy The clientconsultation is not focused on skin goals Unsure of the skin type and condition Being uninformed about the products Feeling a lack of confidence in what products to recommend Client’s lack of faith in the products Not knowing how to present the products in an appealing way Judgingthe amountof what the client will spend Not putting the products out for the client to purchase {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"} The good news is that by adding some new skills and implementing some new strategies, skin care professionals can turn these clients into buyers.Let’s look at how to turn these challenges around. LACK OF CONFIDENCE Build self confidence in your ability to sell to this type of client. Do what needs to be done – it does not have to be perfect the first time or every time.Practice makes all the difference.The more you do it successfully, the more you will overcome fear and gain confidence. Talk toclients about their skin concerns and homecare products.Recommend products to them and don’t let the “no” dissuade you from trying with other clients. FEAR OF FEELING PUSHY Get over the fear of being perceived as pushy.Realize that in most cases, clients are coming to the spa for advice and a solution to their skin challenges.They are coming for results.You can provide results with an appropriate homecare regimen. CLIENT CONSULTATION Have a thorough client intake form.Give the consultation and discuss what you are going to do for and with the client.Sit with the client and discuss the goals they have for their skin.Let them know you are going to make homecare recommendations that will help them obtain (realistic) skin health goals. SKIN TYPES & CONDITIONS An understanding of the client’s skin type and skin condition is a must in successful retailing. Study until confident in diagnosing their skin type and condition. PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE Have a thorough understanding of the products.Study the product manual, utilize videos, consult with sales representatives, and study until confident when talking to clients about the products.Know the products well enough to convey to the client how they will help them. HOMECARE Once you understand the products and the skin type and condition, make sure to have the knowledge on putting the appropriate products in the client’s hands. ESTABLISHING TRUST Many times, clients that don’t purchase products are resistant as they have been promised miracle results in the past, and the products have not delivered.A good solution to this challenge is travel or sample sizes and write out thorough homecare instructions for them.Manage their expectations by being realistic about results and timeline.You must build trust with this type of client.Before and after photos are a proven way to establish trust. PRODUCT PRESENTATION Presenting products in an appealing way is important for all clients but especially to resistant purchasers.Here are a few tips to create an appealing retail space – how to make the retail space work for you.This is the real estate so make it work. Is your retail space easy to shop? Does it make sense to a novice? Are products accessible? Are testers available? Does the retail space appeal to the client base? Is it well organized? Do you have too much clutter? Do you have things that have dust or that don’t move – if so, use it or get rid of it. Do you have things taking up your retail space that are items you don’t sell?Could that space be better utilized with products that you do sell? Are prices on the products? Do people walk over and touch and smell the retail?Does it appeal? Do you have retail brochures? Does the restroom have products? SPENDING ABILITY Don’t ever assume what the client will spend.If they can afford a facial, they can very likely afford skin care products.Don’t be put off if the client says, “I don’t have a lot to spend today.” Remember,“not a lot” could be $100 for one person but $1,000 for another.This is an important issue.If you decide the client won’t spend money on product, you have lost the sale before you try to get it. PRODUCT DISPLAY Assuming the client is having a facial, while the client is masking, go pull the products you know the client needs.Put the entire regimen you recommend on a tray for the client and write the entire regimen on the client card with prices, so the client can see the prices.As you are removing the mask, let the client know you have pulled their recommended homecare.It is on the tray, so they can review it.What’s the best outcome that can happen?They take everything.They will usually take some things.Keep a copy of the recommendations and have it for next time.Make sure they take a copy of everything you want them to be using. Selling to resistant clients can be tricky, but remember, if you utilize some of the above recommendations and have the client’s skin’s best interest in mind, then the sales will come. {/mprestriction} Michele Corley is the founder and president of Michele Corley Clinical Skin Care, a nationally distributed professional use only skin care line based in Napa, California. Corley holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Georgia Southern University, is a licensed aesthetician, and completed advanced cosmetic chemistry at University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to founding and launching Michele Corley Clinical Skin Care, she earned multiple sales awards while working for a leading skin care contract manufacturer and ranked as a top sales and marketing professional. Corley’s mission is simple: provide aestheticians with clean, efficacious products and back it up with exceptional customer service. Want to read more? 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