The aesthetics world is ever-changing. Clients have access to endless knowledge on the internet and social media when it comes to skin care and treatments, and as aestheticians, their job is to bring realistic results to clients’ needs and wants by staying educated. Adding in laser treatments can bring a higher traffic to an establishment to make a spa more noticeable to potential clients. But…
The spa and wellness industry moves at an incredibly fast pace. New trends, techniques, and products are constantly emerging. From CBD-based beauty oils to injectables and more, there is always something new entering the scene that skin care professionals need to learn more about. When staff members expand their expertise, it sparks their creativity. Learning opportunities provide a way to renew the love and passion…
Advanced makeup training, also known as supplemental makeup training, is an important part of the beauty industry. Continuing education within the beauty industry is defined as additional training, courses, or workshops that offer new techniques and updated knowledge or practices for adults after they have left a formal education system. Virtually all industries promote continuing education, and some are even mandated as a means to…
This article will cover the benefits of having a mentor and how it can positively impact a business. What qualities should you look for in a mentor? How to become a good mentee. How do you know when you are ready to find a mentor? How to go about seeking the right mentor. And finally, how to make the mentor/mentee relationship work to yield the…
The need for ongoing education is constant. Facing the COVID-19 crisis has temporarily closed businesses with no indication of when they will fully reopen. Spas are all doing their part to ensure skin care professionals are still taking care of themselves, their families, and their clients by respecting social distancing and self-isolation. Professionals need to remain as positive as possible and try to learn something…

October 2024

Business Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Face Reality Skincare
  • Epionce
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc