Au Naturel: Eyebrow Options

Written by Kelly Baker
Back in the day, the 1990s, over-tweezed, super thin, with no arch-look was the eyebrow style – think Pamela Anderson circa her Baywatch days. Fast forward to today and trends have changed in a major way – enter full and natural eyebrows. A good eyebrow artist knows to maintain the same attitude through it all – follow the natural eyebrow shape and arch, not the…
Learn lip balance tips and tricks for clients presented by Jaclyn Peresetsky in her monthly video column entitled, "Skin Accessories." Scroll down to watch the full video!
Learn all there is to know on eyelashes! From extensions, faux eyelashes, and more presented by Jaclyn Peresetsky in her monthly video column entitled, "Skin Accessories." Scroll down to watch the full video!
Lips begin to noticeably thin starting as early as 30-years old.It is an unfortunate part of the aging process that lips lose their plump, full, and voluptuous volume.So, why does the dramatic transformation happen? COLLAGEN…
During consultations with clients who are struggling with persistent acne breakouts, an easy but pertinent question to ask is, “When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes?” Clients use makeup brushes to apply concealer and foundation every day. Bacteria build up in the bristles of these brushes and can increase the frequency of acneic breakouts, spreading, and re-spreading infection. Skin irritation, dermatitis, clogged…

October 2024

Brands of the Month

  • Face Reality Skincare
  • QuantifiCare
  • Skin Script